Saturday, 12 January 2013

Silver Ray

I became involved with Silver Ray after discovering their 2nd album
"New Love" 
and their two other records available "This Is Silver Ray" and "Humans."
Three great albums out of the blue. Especially TISR and "New Love."
An Australian instrumental 3 piece was about as obscure as you could want for someone like me whose tastes fall on the esoteric / exotic side.
Reviews mentioned post rock and  "The Dirty Three."
But I didn't and still don't think they sounded like anyone but themselves.
Members included Cam Butler, guitars. Brett Poliness, drums. Julitha Ryan, keyboards.
I met the band at one of their two own London gigs while supporting Nick Cave on a 2005 European tour.
A long story but after the tour I started e-mailing Cam Butler in Australia and then became involved with their then label "Pharmacy Records" as European representative.
This led to me helping them release first album "This Is Silver Ray" here in the UK.
Despite very good UK reviews It didn't sell too well and there was no more budget for PR in Europe where there was some interest from a German distributor. A pity as it's such a great record. They released what looks like a swansong album, 
The fabulous "Homes For Everyone" in 2007. 

 "This Is Silver Ray" is available to buy on CD direct from 'Song of Songs' via the Paypal button below.
You don't need a Paypal account to use it. Paypal also accepts most major credit and debit cards. All prices are inclusive of postage costs.
